Commentary: Leading Conservative Organizations Unite Behind Jim Jordan For Speaker

Jim Jordan

by CHQ staff


The count of conservative organizations urging principled limited government constitutional conservative Representative Jim Jordan (OH-4) to run for Speaker of the House has now passed ten, with FedUp PAC, headed by CHQ Chairman Richard A. Viguerie, coming out in favor of Jordan to replace RINO Speaker Paul Ryan.

Our friends at FreedomWorks posted a statement from president and CEO Adam Brandon saying:

Jim Jordan is the only name that received unanimous consent from the FreedomWorks Activist Advisory Council. The level of grassroots energy surrounding a Jordan speakership campaign is something we haven’t seen in years. It indicates to us that selecting a truly conservative speaker would change the entire momentum of the 2018 midterm election cycle.

Our activists believe this speakership campaign is the battle that will determine the future of the Republican Party. If Republicans in Congress really want to see the swamp drain, Rep. Jordan is the guy that’s going to work with President Trump to get it done.

A House with Speaker Jordan at the gavel would actually pass laws, stand on principle, and cut spending. Speaker Jordan would make Congress work again.

Mac Stoddard, FreedomWorks Digital Director says, “In less than 24 hours, conservatives have taken more than 8,000 grassroots actions to contact their representatives and voice support for a Jordan speakership campaign on social media, using the hashtag #SpeakerJordan.”

Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund also joined the Pro-Jordan wave issuing a call to action saying, “In the age of ‘Draining the Swamp,’ Jim Jordan might be the best candidate for speaker in the House of Representatives. President Trump would certainly have a strong ally for the America First agenda.”

The call to action offered Tea Partiers three tools to help them make a Jordan for Speaker campaign a reality.

The American Family Association Action made the Speaker’s race the topic of one of its recent newsletters noting that, “Rep. Jordan has a solid conservative voting record on social and fiscal issues. When comparing Rep. Jordan has a solid conservative voting record on social and fiscal issues. In the table below, Congressman Jordan’s stellar conservative rating stands out in comparison to the scores of Rep. McCarthy and Rep. Scalise.”

Rep Jordan holds a hard to beat 100% rating from AFA Action, while House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California has a 78% rating and allegedly more conservative House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana has an abysmal 71% rating.

Reps. Ryan and McCarthy are establishment Republicans who will continue business as usual, said the AFA Action newsletter, “but Rep. Jim Jordan is a constitutionalist, a man of integrity, and a founder of the House Freedom Caucus—the band of members of Congress dedicated to fighting for liberty.”

Our friends at Gun Owners of America have also come out in favor of Jim Jordan, issuing a call to action that said the pro-gun alternative to gun-grabbing Californian Kevin McCarthy is Rep. Jim Jordan.

“There is a pro-gun congressman who has shown leadership potential already, and his name is Jim Jordan of Ohio,” said GOA Chairman Tim Macy.

Jordan is “A” rated with Gun Owners of America, and he is the cofounder of the House Freedom Caucus — an influential group of congressmen who love the Constitution and want to rein in the excesses of the federal government concluded Macy.

NumbersUSA asked their grassroots network, “Should Republicans choose the same average C+ leadership they’ve had in the past, or should they pick something new?” And, noted that Rep. McCarthy has a C+, Rep. Scalise has a B+ and that Rep. Jordan has an A rating on immigration reduction.

The post had over 7,000 “likes” and was shared over 1,500 times, garnering almost 6,000 comments, most of them demanding new House leadership that will commit to reducing immigration.

Our friends at the Senate Conservatives Fund also surveyed their supporters and issued a statement saying, “We surveyed our grassroots supporters last week and 92% supported Jim Jordan, 4% were unsure, and 4% supported someone else. It’s clear that conservatives agree that Jim Jordan, a proven conservative, is the ideal leader to replace Paul Ryan.”

The Senate Conservatives Fund analysis of the race pretty well sums up our thinking as well, “The Washington establishment wants people to think House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has the race locked up and that a conservative like Jim Jordan has no chance, but this thinking ignores what Americans want – change in Washington.”

The only way Jim Jordan can win this race is if House Republicans hear from their constituents and fear the political repercussions of supporting liberal Kevin McCarthy, here are the tools you can use to send them that message:

Use the Social Media Hashtag:  #SpeakerJordan

Frank Gaffney, President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy statement supporting Jim Jordan for Speaker

FreedomWorks Draft Jim Jordan for Speaker Petition

Senate Conservatives Fund Draft Jim Jordan for Speaker Petition

Send a letter of support for Jim Jordan to your Congressman through Gun Owners of America

Use the tools provided by Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund to contact Congress urging Jordan for Speaker

Forward the American Family Association Action Alert to your friends, family, church and club lists

Like and share the NumbersUSA ratings post on Facebook

Go to the Citizens Mandate page and like and share the Jim Jordan video message to Congress

Like and share pro-Jim Jordan posts by conservative social media stars such as Arizona’s Jake Hoffman











Reprinted with permission from

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2 Thoughts to “Commentary: Leading Conservative Organizations Unite Behind Jim Jordan For Speaker”

  1. Stuart I. Anderson

    Tennesseans in the 2nd, 6th, and 7th congressional district can contact their congressmen who are not running for re-election and thus will not be able to vote for the next speaker. Better yet, if they give maximum support for conservatives Jimmy Matlock, Judd Matheny, and Mark Green respectively they will do even more to support Jim Jordan for speaker. The latter two candidates have been endorsed by Jim’s House Freedom Caucus.

  2. Sim

    Jim Jordan, for Speaker of the House, “AND ME”.
